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2 i honours degree

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An upper second class, known as a 2:1 or two-one, is the higher of the two levels. Lower Second-Class Honours (50-60%): a 2.2 or two-two is the lower level of the second class degree. Third-Class Honours (40-50%): known as a 'third' or 3rd, this degree is the lowest honours degree achievable.

What is a 2 i degree?

Upper Second-Class Honours (2:1, 2. i) (60-70%) Lower Second-Class Honours (2:2, 2. ii) (50-60%)

Is a 2 1 honours degree good?

Although there's been a bit of grade inflation, a first or 2:1 are both considered very good degrees. UK Universities generally look for 2:1 or a first to go on for a PhD. A 2:2 is a very respectable degree, a third, well it's stil an honours degree. A few people get non-honours pass degrees.

What is 2nd upper honours degree?

2nd Class (Upper) Honours. 4.00 to 4.49 or Above 4.49 but without a minimum grade of “A-” in HD. 2nd Class (Lower) Honours. 3.50 to 3.99. 3rd Class Honours.

What is a 2.1 degree in GPA UK?

You will be often told (or have it implied) a “2:1” (pronounced “upper second class honours” or simple “two one”) is: Equivalent to (at least) a 3.3GPA

Is a 2 2 degree worth anything?

Businesses may claim that they will look beyond the numbers, but the pay and employment evidence suggests that many still don't, and it's hard to believe that those with 2:2s are genuinely worth so much less than those with 2:1s.

What is a 2.2 degree equivalent to?

Lower Second-Class Honours (50-60%): a 2.2 or two-two is the lower level of the second class degree. Third-Class Honours (40-50%): known as a 'third' or 3rd, this degree is the lowest honours degree achievable.

Is a 2.1 good enough for a Masters?

A 2.1 is still a good degree. In most universities a first is 70% and if you get put up to a 1st from a 68% onwards, you should consider yourself very lucky. If universities inflate grades in this way, they are usually only doing it to make themselves look better.

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