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Who is Aziz Sancar biography?

Aziz Sancar was born in Savur in southeast Turkey in a lower middle class family. His parents had no education but considered education important for their children. Sancar studied at Istanbul University and at the University of Texas, Dallas, where his received his doctorate in 1977.

Why Aziz Sancar won the Nobel Prize?

For his discoveries pertaining to mechanisms of DNA repair, Sancar received the 2015 Nobel Prize for Chemistry (shared with Swedish biochemist Tomas Lindahl and American biochemist Paul Modrich).

Is Aziz Sancar Arab?

Aziz Sancar was born on 8 September 1946 to a lower middle class family in the Savur district of Mardin Province, southeastern Turkey. He spoke Arabic with his parents, and Turkish with his siblings. … His parents were uneducated; however, they put great emphasis on his education.

What was Prof Aziz Sancar discovery related with biological clock genes?

Sixteen years after scientists found the genes that control the circadian clock in all cells, the lab of UNC's Aziz Sancar, MD, PhD, discovered the mechanisms responsible for keeping the clock in sync.

What did Orhan Pamuk win the Nobel Prize for?

Nobel Prize in Literature 2006 The Nobel Prize in Literature 2006 was awarded to Orhan Pamuk "who in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city has discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures."

Can circadian clocks operate without gene transcription?

Core circadian 'clock' genes are defined as genes whose protein products are necessary components for the generation and regulation of circadian rhythms. … In these cells, there was no transcription or genetic circuits, and therefore no feedback loop.

Where is Orhan Pamuk now?

Apart from three years in New York, Orhan Pamuk has spent all his life in the same streets and district of Istanbul, and he now lives in the building where he was raised. Pamuk has been writing novels for 40 years and never done any other job except writing.

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