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Becel omega 3 plus margarine

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Is Becel omega-3 healthy?

Why is Becel good for the heart? This margarine contains a mix of sunflower and flaxseed oil and Becel Omega 3 Plus is naturally rich in Omega 3 and naturally contains Omega 6 which are good for the heart. They contribute to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels in the blood.

Is Becel margarine healthy?

Margarine can be healthy—just read the label. For example, Becel is mostly made of heart-healthy canola and sunflower oils, with a small amount of palm oil to stabilize it and some buttermilk powder and salt.

What’s the healthiest margarine?

When it comes to healthy margarine, Smart Balance may come to mind. With no hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, Smart Balance may be one of the best cholesterol-reducing margarine brands on the market. Additionally, it contains zero trans fat.

Is Becel non-hydrogenated margarine?

Becel® margarine is non-hydrogenated and has never contained trans fatty acids!

Is Becel good for high cholesterol?

Becel® also contains zero trans-fat or cholesterol. Canada's Food Guide recommends incorporating a small amount – 30 to 45 ml (2-3 tablespoons) – of unsaturated fat every day (e.g. Becel®) and notes Canadians should limit consumption of butter, hard margarines, lard and shortening2.

What is the healthiest margarine in Canada?

The New Heart-Healthy Product In comes Becel, the #1 margarine brand in Canada. A company which claims its product is good for your heart.

Why does Becel use palm oil?

Loel Cross‎Becel A very small amount of palm oil is used to enhance the texture, consistency and spreadability of our products. Rest assured that by choosing Becel you are indeed making a heart healthy choice! Becel margarine is low in saturated fat and has no trans fat.

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