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Dispersion method of preparation of colloidal system

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In the dispersion method particle of larger size are broken down to the colloidal size in the dispersion medium. Starting with the material in massive form, a colloidal solution is prepared by using suitable devices to disintegrate it into particles of colloidal size.03-Apr-2020

What is dispersion method of colloids?

Dispersion methods: By splitting coarse aggregates of a substance into a colloidal size. ii. Condensation methods: By aggregating very small particles into the colloidal particles. I.

What are the dispersion methods?

There are two main types of dispersion methods in statistics which are: Absolute Measure of Dispersion. Relative Measure of Dispersion.

What are the methods of preparation of colloids?

We have two main types of methods for the preparation of colloidal solutions: 1) Dispersion, 2) Condensation. Mechanical dispersion. Electro-dispersion. Ultrasonic dispersion.

What are the types of colloidal dispersion?

Classifying Colloids

Dispersion MediumDispersed PhaseType of Colloid
SolidLiquidSolid emulsion/gel
SolidGasSolid foam


Which method is used to prepare colloids as2o3?

Double decomposition: When hydrogen suiphide gas is passed through a solution of arsenic oxide, a yellow coloured arsenic sulphide is obtained as a colloidal solution.

How are colloids prepared by Peptisation method?

Peptization: In peptization method, some electrolytes are added to form a colloidal sol from a freshly prepared precipitate. Example: Ferric chloride is added to a freshly prepared precipitate of ferric hydroxide which converts it into a colloidal sol of reddish brown.

What are the 3 measures of dispersion?

This is given by the measures of dispersion. Range, interquartile range, and standard deviation are the three commonly used measures of dispersion.

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