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Emmeline bale christian bale

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Who is Christian Bale’s daughter?

Emmeline BaleChristian Bale / Daughter

Who is Christian Bales wife?

Sibi BlažićChristian Bale / Wife (m. 2000)

Is Luka Bale related to Christian Bale?

Luka Bale, Christian Bale's daughter New to the modeling scene, Luka is following the fashion-forward footsteps of her mother, former model Sandra “Sibi” Blažić.

Why does Christian Bale talk like that?

Sometimes, Bale can't help but let his natural voice leak in alongside whatever note it's naturally hitting in his vocal register, making the Bat-voice sound almost similar to harmonics on a guitar, as in the famous “hockey pads” line.

How old is Matt Damon?

51 years (October 8, 1970)Matt Damon / Age

How old is Kristen Bell?

41 years (July 18, 1980)Kristen Bell / Age

How old is Sibi?

51 years (April 14, 1970)Sibi Blažić / Age

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