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What disease does Megan Fox have?

Talking about herself, Megan told GQ that she has body dysmorphia and has a lot of “deep insecurities.” Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is described as the preoccupation with one or more perceived defects or flaws in physical appearance that are not observable to others. It is quite subjective from person to person.

Is Megan Fox a BIE?

Megan Fox has revealed she is a bisexual – who won't sleep with other bisexual women. The gorgeous Transformers star admitted to Esquire magazine that she fancies women, but says she wouldn't sleep with a bisexual woman because they've slept with men – who are 'dirty'!

What is Megan Fox personality?

Megan Fox is an ISTP personality type. She is practical and loves understanding how things work. Valuing a sense of freedom, she can't stand feeling controlled.

Who is Megan Fox’s assistant?

Madison Bigos Fox's assistant, Madison Bigos, set off a whole new wave of excitement when she posted an image of Fox with the caption “Poison Ivy?

How do I get Megan Fox’s body?

Fox's trainer, Harley Pasternak, told People magazine in 2012 that the actress' five-factor workout includes "a minimum five minute cardio warm-up, a lower body sculpting exercise, an upper body toning exercise, then an abdominal sculpting exercise, and finally, a five minute cool down."

Who is Megan Fox husband?

Brian Austin GreenMegan Fox / Husband (m. 2010–2021)

Who is Megan Fox’s bestfriend?

megan fox best friend mindy

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