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Nasılsınız in english

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What is Nasilsiniz?

Translation of "nasılsınız" in English. Adverb. how are you.

How do you respond to Nasilsin in Turkish?

Sen nasilsin? And you can say again Iyiyim or Ben de iyiyim. “I'm fine too.” Ben de iyiyim.

What does Barbosa mean in English?

barbosa {adjective feminine} boring {adj.} … stodgy {adj.} barbosa (also: banale, ammuffito, barboso) tedious {adj.}

How do you apologize in Turkish?

1:543:37Learn Turkish – Turkish in Three Minutes – Making ApologiesYouTube

How do you respond to Naber?

It means I am well, how are you? This is an answer to “naber” which is actually abbrivated version of “ne haber”. You can also see it written as n'aber but it is not common in today's written Turkish.

What does slug you mean?

to hit someone or something very hard with your fist. Synonyms and related words. To hit a person. hit.

How do you spell Barbosa?

Barbosa, Santander – Barbosa is a town in the Santander Department in northeastern Colombia.

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