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Petrol station for sale in brisbane

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Is owning a petrol station profitable in Australia?

⇒ The ACCC has estimated that the retail sector as a whole (fuel and nonfuel sales) has earned net profit at an annual average rate of 2.1 cents per litre for the past 9 years. According to ACCC Reports: ⇒ The average net profit on fuel over the past 9 years was 1.3 cents per litre.

How much does it cost to open a petrol station in Australia?

How much will a petrol station cost? Buying an existing petrol station can cost (on average) anywhere between $200,000 and $2,000,000 or more in some cases. There are a number of costs associated with buying and running a petrol station in Australia.

How much do you need to buy a petrol station?

A local petrol station business set up costs range in the region of R15 million and R100 million depending on the size and site. Further to this the operation payable to the oil company ranges between R2. 5 million and R15 million, depending on the cost to develop, projected volumes and profitability.

Is a petrol station a good investment?

The country's continued reliance on fossil fuel means that petrol stations represent fairly low-risk investments, delivering a steady flow of rent over a typically long lease. But would-be investors need to approach potential purchases with caution, as fuel leaks can be costly.

How much is the franchise of Caltex?

Here are more Caltex Franchise Numbers and Details: P5 Million to P7 Million. Operating Capital required: Approx. P2 Million to P3 Million. Lot Size/Layout requirements: This must meet a minimum design layout of 1,200 sqm.

How can I buy a petrol station franchise?

Requirements to Buy a Petrol Station Example

  1. Selling Price of business R 5 000 000.00 net profit +- R 120,000 pm.
  2. Plus: Stock R 600 000.00.
  3. Plus Working Capital R 500 000.00.
  4. Other: e.g. Training, Licence application, etc. …
  5. Oil company fuel guarantee R800,000.
  6. TOTAL Funding Requirement R 7 000 000.00.

Do petrol stations make money?

There is a good reason why nearly all filling stations are shops as well; profit margins on petrol are, according to the industry, around 2%, so they make most of their profits from overpriced sandwiches and drinks.

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