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Sac baglama modeli

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Is the saz Turkish?

The bağlama or saz is a family of plucked string instruments, long-necked lutes used in Ottoman classical music, Turkish folk music, Turkish Arabesque music, Azerbaijani music, Kurdish music, Armenian music and in parts of Syria, Iraq and the Balkan countries. … It is pronounced [sāz].

Who created the baglama?

It appeared for the first time in a work by Nezami van Gandja (1141-1209), one of the greatest poets in Persian poetry. In Anatolia we come across the word saz in the fifteenth century as a name for the tanbur of the travelling poet singers, the âşık, who were also called saz şaileri, poets with the saz.

Where did the saz originate from?

Saz (Turkish Long Neck Lute) It's originated in Central Asia where Turks lived before their westward migration. Like the guitar in Spain and the bouzouki in Greece, the Saz is the most popular stringed instrument in Turkey.

How is the saz played?

Playing Styles. Traditionally melody on the saz is played primarily on one course of strings (Z) — note that on most bağlama this course has more strings and is louder. This is similar in style to the Indian sitar and Persian tars. The open notes on the other string courses add rhythm.

How old is the baglama?

A 400-450 year old Turkish musical instrument called Baglama, or "Balta Saz (Axe Saz)", which was carved by using an axe in Tunceli province, draws attention. "Baglama" is a type of plucked string instrument and the term "saz" refers to a family of plucked string instruments.

How do you hold the saz?

1:146:42Baglama Saz strumming lesson (English) for beginners – YouTubeYouTube

Is the baglama difficult?

The baglama (sometimes referred to as a sad) is an extremely old string instrument originating from Turkey. … So, learning to play it can seem pretty scary (least of all because it's hard to find English language baglama lessons online). But, there's no need to worry anymore!

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