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Sit an exam

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sit verb (TEST/EXAM) to take a test or exam: The changes will affect many students sitting their exams this summer.3 days ago

Is it sit an exam or sit for an exam?

Both are acceptable. "Sit an exam" is more common in British English. "Sit for an exam" is more common in American English.

Do you give an exam or take an exam?

In American English, students take an exam, while professors give an exam. This is very normal usage. The metaphor is that the professor provides something, and the students accept it, which is straightforward in any educational context.

Can you say writing exam or sitting for exam?

Senior Member. The phrase, "to write an exam" can be correct. However, it is synonymous with, "to set an exam", not "to sit/take an exam. i.e. The professor writes/sets the exam and the students sit/take it.

What does sit the test mean?

System Integration Testing UAT and SIT testing are the two different levels of testing in the application testing phase of QA. UAT stands for User Acceptance Testing and SIT stands for System Integration Testing.

What is past form of sit?

Sit past tense is sat and past p. sat.

How do you say give exam?

0:211:20Do you GIVE or TAKE an Exam? Learn English Grammar with SYEDYouTube

Why do we give exam?

Exams are a form of learning activity. They can enable students to see the material from a different perspective. They also provide feedback that students can then use to improve their understanding. To identify weaknesses and correct them.

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