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Sivas madimak oteli katliami 1993

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What happened in Sivas Turkey?

The Sivas massacre (Turkish: Sivas Katliamı) or Madımak massacre (Turkish: Madımak Katliamı) refers to the events of July 2, 1993 at the Hotel Madimak (Otel Madımak) in Sivas, Turkey, which resulted in the killing of 37 people, mostly Alevi intellectuals. Two perpetrators also died during the incident.

What is madimak?

Polygonum cognatum, commonly called Indian knotgrass or madimak (from Turkish madımak), is an edible weedy creeping perennial herb in the genus Polygonum, frequently eaten by people of Turkey. It has larger leaves than most other species of Polygonum.

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