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T rex oyunu

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What happens when you get to 99999 in the dinosaur game?

By changing the value we can change the speed of our dinosaur and get score faster. The maximum score the game gives you is 99999 before it resets back to 0. This will change the speed of the dinosaur to 6000.

How do you cheat at T Rex game?

Type chrome:dino into Chrome's address bar and press Enter. This will display a graphic of a dinosaur with the instruction “Press space to play.” Press the Spacebar on your keyboard to begin the secret dinosaur game.

What is the highest score in T Rex game?

The highest score ever to get is 999,999.

Can I play the dinosaur game right now?

Just type chrome://dino in your address bar, as shown above, and the “No internet” screen will open—press space to play the game. As of today the game has birthday cake and party hats to celebrate four years of being hidden in Chrome.

How do you become immortal in dinosaur game?

Press the Space bar key on your keyboard and the T Rex comes to life and starts moving left to right on a side-scrolling landscape. The player has to ensure that the Chrome Dino does not crash into any obstacles by jumping or ducking with the arrow keys on the keyboard.

What is the ending of the dinosaur game?

There's literally no end: get to the maximum possible score of 99,999 and the game simply resets itself. You can't change direction and you have no control over your speed. All you can do is jump and duck. That's plenty.

How do you fly in dinosaur game?

But there's a hidden game here. To start playing it you need to hit the Spacebar. That will start the side scroller where you need to jump over cactuses and duck under flying pterodactyls. You can jump using the Spacebar or Up Arrow key or duck by pressing the Down Arrow key.

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